Marginalized communities in Manicaland embrace cholera prevention

Cholera prevention campaign reaches rural Zimbabwe, Himalaya village head applauds efforts

By Linda Mandiyanike

Feb 18, 2024

With a lot of cholera deaths in Zimbabwe recorded so far Manicaland province task force team has upscaled prevention measures to curtail the dread disease, a move that has received apprecation by Himalaya villagers.

So far the province has and is still issuing cholera prevention vaccines to the people and lessons on how to avoid contracting the disease.

Rural areas in Mutare and areas surrounding Manicaland have not been left behind when it comes to health care assistance.

Today News got in touch with Himalaya resettlement area village head George Chemwanyisa.

He said the campaign and health care assistance has been taken up positively by villagers.

"We are lucky to be involved in this campaign this early for it will save more lives ". He showed gratitude for the gesture the government has shown to the marginalized villages.

Zimbabwe is among other Southern African countries fighting to end the spread of cholera.

The government under ministry of health and child care has vowed to prioritize the campaign to roll out the vaccines and also educating individuals on ways to protect themselves from the deadly disease.

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